Friday, March 30, 2012

Poster after focus group

The focus group said that the slogan was a little small with the faded effect on it, and was a little difficult to read, so I changed the set up of the text and piled the text instead of having it straight so we could make it larger and easier to read simultaneously.


We decided that this would be a better poster for the film because the previous idea resembled the woman in black poster too much so we thought we would keep it simple with Jack's face on it and nothing else. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Film title

The plot of our thriller is based on schizophrenia and the symptoms of hallucinations. In our thriller we focus on a ‘flash black’ however, the character is unaware whether it is, a previous experience or a hallucination. As a group we brainstormed ideas surrounding the words hallucination and flash back. Originally we decided on the title “Dysfunctional Delusions”, but quickly changed our minds as we felt that it was not a suitable or strong enough for our thriller.  After deliberation we focused on the words ‘flash back.’ We brainstormed around that word and wrote connotations related to the word ‘flash backs.’ We thought of the word recollection as it relates to the plot of our thriller, however again we felt it was not strong enough.

We liked the idea of the recollection of memories so we used and typed in the word recollection to find out synonyms of the word and found the word anamnesis.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our progress so far

Mary green Manor replied to our email with Wednesday being the only day they can do. We found this out on Friday the 9th March. This only gave us 3 full days of planning and theoretically only 3 hours of lesson time. We were unsure whether to agree or not to film at Marygreen Manor because we didn't know if we would be finished in time. We made up our mind and chose to agree and knuckle down and get planning. We worked out our props, who was taking what, we worked out our actors and chose Jack Davies and Vicky Saych, these were both studying a drama perfomring arts BTEC so we felt that they would portay the roles well. We story boarded our film so that we were clear on what we had to do as we had a limited time to film.We will be shooting all we need tomorrow, with some behind the scenes and some pictures for our blog. Our group has put alot of effort into this and would be a great way to start our filming and make progress to meet the deadline.
Mat Bland

Movie teaser with title.


Teaser Poster

Above- Poster with added layer (note we have chosen to discontinue using this one as we believe the plain black one is more effective)

Above- Final poster without title.
Below- Initial Idea for poster.

We got the idea for this when we we're brainstorming, we thought that as the film is based on schizophrenia we thought we could have his shadow as his alter-ego holding a knife. it shows that in the real world, the black makes him feel on edge and very vulnerable, but as his 'shadow' he feels clear headed and feels more peaceful and safe. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Red October poster

Inception Poster

Marking Other Students Work

Poster Analysis

As inspiration for the thriller we looked at other psychological thrillers and Shutter Island was a clear example of sub-genre and closley linked to our piece. The graphology of a film poster most is important in advertising the film, as it allows the audience to create an idea of what the film is about  

The use of the red block font for the title of the film indicates the film consists of danger and mystery and the smudging of the words suggest the island is unstable, linking to the main characters mental state.

The match flame is the main source of light in the poster symbolising his sanity and an essence of hope. Contrasting against the surrounding darkness, the flame is his only chance of survival and once the flame has gone out, he has been lost to the darkness. This suggests that he still has a chance to stabilise his psychological state but only has a limited time.

The Facility is shown on an island surrounding darkness, with few lights causing the viewer to feel suspicious of what goes on inside the building. It is placed on an island because it shows it wants to separate itself from reality and the real world. Also it creates the feeling of being trapped with no return from the island. The lights in the facility are coming from all the rooms with few outside lights causing an element of uncertainty and apprehensiveness as the viewer does not know what is going on inside. The darkened view of the barbered wire suggests that danger is inside and it is a maximum security facility, similar to a prison again creating the feeling of being trapped.

The white glow surrounding the island could suggest that it is a containment facility and that whatever happens on the island stays on island and the glow acts as a shield to not only keep things out but also in.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s face is titled to the side, looking just passed the lit flame, suggesting to the viewer something is coming towards him or he has seen something he is confused about, creating tension, mystery and suspense for the viewer. Also only half of his face can be seen leading the viewer to believe that half of him has been lost or taken over by the darkness. The Darkness could symbolise schizophrenia and by showing half of his face in the light it shows to the viewer that he still has a chance of controlling the schizophrenia and a chance of having freedom.

Film Research - S.W.O.T